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nice. this can only go up from here, as in i am pokemon greedy to have even more ingredients and combos. consult a math person, i am feeling like some prime number combos are missing, to be able to do perfect scores for all of them.

you could: restrict to requiring a base ingredient (i was able to star with only the flavorings), and bonuses for actual irl drinks. one aesthetic request, could you let the drink reward linger or something? it goes away too fast for the full pavlovian, also too fast to read. like a real bar, lean hard on the conditioning. if you added even a few cute animations (unlockable, even) this is app-store, i can't put it down ready. all of these extras could be rolled out in levels, even, you wouldn't have to overhaul the game overnight, just mete it out little by little. sandbox mode would slay


hmmm ... funny idea, but the scoring appears to be off. when you get it perfect it is 0 stars?

Thanks for the comment!
Yeah, we noticed that something was broken with the scoring right after the deadline :/

But it should be fixed now! (: